House prices in Hazel Grove, Trowbridge BA14 stand at £, - Zoopla.

House prices in Hazel Grove, Trowbridge BA14 stand at £, - Zoopla.

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Property valuation for 5 Hazel Grove, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0JG | The Move Market - Properties for Sale in BA14 



- Sold House Prices in Trowbridge, Hazel Grove, Hazel Grove Wiltshire, |

  Source acknowledgment: This Nethouseprices information is extracted or derived from information produced by Land Registry. Currently off-market This property is not for rent or for sale on The Move Market. Legal duty to provide governance information More details All maintained school governing bodies and academy trusts have a legal duty to provide all of the governance information requested on this page in so far as it is available to them. Average cost per square foot.  

4 hazel grove trowbridge free.This property is no longer on the market

  Find out how much your property is worth in Hazel Grove Trowbridge BA14 0JG with PrimeLocation's free tool. See historical sold prices and estimates of the current value. House prices in Hazel Grove, Trowbridge BA14 0JG. 1 - 25 of 25 4 Hazel Grove BA14 0JG. Feb £, 5 Hazel Grove BA14 0JG. Aug Free Sold House Prices in Trowbridge, Hazel Grove, Hazel Grove Wiltshire,. Search the latest sold house prices for England and Wales provided under license from the Land Registry for free. Want to find out about how you can list your properties for free with us or generate more valuation leads? Click here or call Sold Prices. Kingstons - Trowbridge present this 4 bedroom detached house in Hazel Grove, Trowbridge.    


- 4 hazel grove trowbridge free


Statistics like number of houses, flats, people living in the area. The population details are compiled from Census Total 4 crime incidents were reported to police within 1 miles of the property and in last one month. The following list gives an idea about how many and what type of crimes are reported.

Nearest rail stations, ferry terminals, underground stations and bus stops. Nearest primary schools, secondary schools, special schools, nurseries and pupil referral units PRU. It is important that the property is nearly located to good infant, primary and secondary schools.

It is important that the property is nearly located to places of worship. Nearest gps, hospitals, dentists, pharmacies, opticians, clinics and other general services.

It is important that the property is nearly located to all necessary healthcare services. It is important that the property is nearly located to big super stores for shopping. Planning Permissions -.

We strive to ensure that information is accurate and current but Estimates may not reflect the actual property price. The rental estimates we provide are calculated on the basis of a gross rental yield average of 6. This in turn produces an average monthly rent which is about 0. The rental yield average we use is extracted from Paragon Groups' latest quarterly report which can be seen here.

Detached Bungalow 3 Bedroom s 1 Bathroom s. Show Contact Number. Bungalow -- Bedroom s -- Bathroom s. View All. Bungalow 2 Bedroom s -- Bathroom s. Postcode Pricing Model for BA Free Market Appraisal. Are you thinking of selling? Get a free market appraisal and valuation of your property. Produced by a local agent who is experienced in the local market conditions. Expert advice on the best method of sale to achieve the maximum sales price.

Request Appraisal Now! Alert when a neighbour's house has been sold.


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